Cognition & Learning Assessments & Checklists
Digit Span - Working Memory
Turner & Risdale Memory - Digit Test
Maths Checklists
3B Checklist for Dyscalculia - Steve Chinn
Dyscalculia Network - A Dyscalculia Checklist
Neurodiversity Checklist
Combined SpLD Checklist - Primary Level
Neurodiverse SpLD Checklist - All Phases
Phonics Check
Phonics Assessment Phase 2 to 5
Workstation Activity Resource - Phonics
Phonological Awareness
Phonological Awareness - Ultimate Guide
STLS Folkestone & Hythe Informal Phonological Awareness Assessment
Pupils Working Well Below Curriculum
SEN Small Steps Tracker Based on PKS
Reading Miscue Analysis
Kelly & Phillips CLAPSAP - Spelling Pattern Screener
Schonell Spelling Test with Instructions
Swale Assessment Pyramid
Graduated Response to Assessment