Meadowfield School

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6th Form

Welcome to Meadowfield 6th Form.

I am Samantha Crook and immensely proud to be the Assistant Principal of our Meadowfield 6th Form.

We currently have 4 classes. Classes are vertically mixed groups, within each class there are pupils from Year 12 to Year 14. Students are grouped by learning style and level of need.

The Curriculum at Meadowfield 6th Form is centred around the four Preparing for Adulthood themes as detailed below:

  • Good Heath
  • Independent Lives
  • Friends, Relationships & Community,
  • Employment & Careers

It is supported by discrete, directed learning of practical Literacy and Numeracy skills.

The curriculum is intended to prepare our young people for their next stage in life. It is personalised, meaningful and appropriate for our students.

To prepare our students for adulthood the 6th Form curriculum is outcome focussed to ensure that all groups of students, regardless of background or ability, have the knowledge, skills and accreditations needed for life after Meadowfield School.

This will be delivered through discrete teacher input, practical and life-based scenarios and then through educational visits off site to enable pupils to apply their learning to real world experiences.


Careers, Employability Skills and Work Related Experiences

Students are supported to develop key skills in employability and to be as prepared for adulthood as possible. Throughout Meadowfield 6th Form, emphasis on skills for the workplace and beyond are embedded in daily learning and experiences.

All students are supported to understand different careers and students benefit from Independent Careers Advice from East Kent Business Partnership.

Regular opportunities are in place for students to embark on work related experiences individually or in small groups. Examples of work-related experiences include McDonalds, ASDA, Aldi Warehouse, Faversham Umbrella Centre, Sheppey Community Radio, Premier Inn, Sainsburys, Happy Pants Ranch and Swale Foodbank.


Duke of Edinburgh Award

All students in Meadowfield 6th Form have the opportunity to embark on the Duke of Edinburgh programme. Students will access a range of activities, each term which include first aid, expedition skills, volunteering, time in the gym, to gain and develop skills to support their acquisition of the award.

Students have the opportunity to gain the Bronze award and then move onto the Silver and Gold Award.



All students work towards achieving a combination of the following accreditations: 

  • ASDAN Realising Aspirations,
  • ASDAN Personal Development Programme
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award


Values Based Education

At Meadowfield 6th Form we promote the six values; Positivity, Teamwork, Respect, Courage, Integrity and Resilience. We embed these into our daily practices and encourage our students to do the same. We hold weekly celebration assemblies where students are recognised for their successes and staff align these successes with our six values.


At Meadowfield 6th Form we work in partnership with parents / carers to enable our students to be independent, curious and determined young people that are well equipped and prepared for their next stage in life.


6th Form Pathway Leaflet

6th Form Vision