I am Caroline Jaques and am proud to be the Assistant Principal overseeing Meadowfield Schools Engage Department.
Meadowfield School has 4 Engage classes which are primarily for pupils with PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties) which offer a Multi- Sensory, Holistic approach to learning.
Within the Engage Department we use the IMPACTS Curriculum which is centred around the needs of each individual child as we recognise that adopting a personalised approach is a critical key for each student’s development.
This will be delivered across the day by teacher directed sessions of Communication, Cognition, Technology, Engagement, Physical Development, PSED and Music.
We work closely with the Specialist teaching service of VI, HI and MSI to ensure all pupils individual and bespoke learning needs are met.
All staff are trained to deliver medical interventions by the NHS Nursing team to ensure staff are competent in carrying these interventions out.
Each day our students bring their own unique energy into school. In turn we ensure that they receive a high-quality educational provision delivered through the immensely capable and effective hands of our Engage Staff.
We work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage independence, curious and happy learners who thrive in school and can reach their full potential.
We are a collaborate working, enthusiastic and caring team and look forward to welcoming pupils and families for the exciting year ahead.