Meadowfield School

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Principal's Welcome

A very warm welcome to Meadowfield School. We are a special school for pupils who have profound, severe and complex needs including a vast range of medical and learning needs. We are a school for children aged 4-19 years old with a pupil population of nearly four hundred. All our pupils have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Our vision of ‘Growing together’ is to inspire and motivate all pupils and staff who learn and work together to aspire to endless possibilities.

Pupil’s safety, well-being and engagement is central to everything that we do including the structure of our curriculum and the interventions that we use. We are ambitious for our pupils and offer a rich curriculum that is personalised through our five different pathways (Early Years Foundation Stage, Engage, Explore, Enquire and 6th form). We ensure that progress towards EHCP targets is embedded throughout the day and promote Preparation for Adulthood from the earliest stages so that when pupils leave us, they are prepared for the next phase in their lives and have the best opportunities to be happy, fulfilled and contributing citizens.

As well as our main site setting, we also have two satellite provisions for pupils working within the Enquire pathway; one at Sunny Bank Primary School for Key Stage 2 pupils, and the other for our Key stage 3 and 4 students at Fulston Manor School.  These satellites enable our pupils to develop within a mainstream setting whilst being supported by Meadowfield School through our bespoke curriculum offer and specialist staff. 

We believe that good partnerships with parents and carers is very important thereby working closely with them to support their child/ren’s learning and well-being. Our Parent Engagement schedule sets out specific times across the year when parents and carers can join their child/ren’s class. In July 2023 we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnerships Award.

Well-being is paramount at our school.  It is our aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values creating a strong learning environment that enhances academic achievement and develops pupils social and relationship skills, aptitudes and attitudes to succeed that last through their lives.  A positive learning environment is achieved through the positive values being modelled by staff, parents and visitors throughout the school.  In doing so, developing the whole child as a reflective learning within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere.

Our skilled and dedicated staff team work very hard to ensure learning is challenging, fun and engaging whilst ensuring that our pupils feel safe, valued and self-confident. We work effectively with our NHS colleagues, nurses, therapists, and other professionals and external agencies, to best support and meet the needs of our pupils.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office via e-mail or telephone.


Angela Howe


Angela Howe - Principal 


Jill Palmer - Executive Principal