Meadowfield School

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Total Communication


Total Communication Approach at Meadowfield School

At Meadowfield School, we are committed to creating a truly inclusive environment where every pupil has the opportunity to communicate effectively, using the method or combination of methods that works best for them. Our Total Communication approach ensures that all pupils, regardless of their needs or abilities, can fully engage with their learning, express themselves, and interact with others. Here’s a comprehensive look at how Total Communication will be implemented across the school:


Communication Methods

Pupils at Meadowfield will be supported through a range of communication strategies to ensure their individual needs are met. These methods will be tailored to each pupil’s communication profile:

Verbal Communication: Encouraging speaking and listening skills through structured activities, discussions, and role-play.

Makaton Sign Language: Widely used to support communication, with British Sign Language (BSL) introduced where necessary, for pupils with it specified in their Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCP).

On-Body Cues: Teachers and staff will use physical gestures and cues to guide pupils’ understanding and responses.

Symbol Exchange: Pupils will be encouraged to communicate using symbols, promoting literacy and understanding.

Visual Aids: Photographs, objects of reference, and technology aids will be utilised to help pupils make connections between concepts and the real world.

Eye Gaze Technology: Pupils with more complex needs will benefit from eye gaze systems to interact with their environment and communicate.

Communication Boards: Both expressive and receptive communication will be supported using boards that contain symbols, words, and pictures.

Communication Books: Individualised communication books will help pupils express their thoughts and needs.

Colourful Semantics: This will support sentence construction and enhance pupils' ability to express themselves in writing.

Written Text: Supporting both comprehension and expression, written text will be used across the school day.


Supporting the Learning Environment

Communication will be embedded into every part of the school day. The environment will be designed to be both supportive and accessible for all pupils:

Symbol Timetables: Each classroom will feature a symbol-based timetable to outline the daily schedule. For pupils needing extra support, individual timetables will be provided to help them understand the sequence of activities.

Vocabulary/Core Boards: These will be integrated into lessons to support the teaching of key concepts and vocabulary. Boards will include both symbols and words, providing visual and textual support based on the specific content of each lesson.

Consistent Communication Across the School: Whether in the classroom, during break time, or in other activities like PE or art, communication methods will be consistently used throughout the day. This helps reinforce learning and ensures pupils can communicate effectively no matter where they are in the school.

Uniform Symbols: To ensure clarity, a consistent set of symbols will be used across all classrooms and activities. A centralised bank of symbols will be created and utilised to represent key concepts, routines, and resources, ensuring pupils encounter the same symbols across all settings.


Pupil Profiles

Each pupil’s communication preferences and needs will be at the heart of our approach:

Individual Communication Profiles: We will work closely with teachers and specialists to create detailed profiles that highlight each pupil’s preferred communication methods. These profiles will be accessible to all staff and updated regularly to ensure that all teachers and support staff can tailor their approaches accordingly.

Staff Knowledge and Training: All staff members, from teaching assistants to senior leaders, will receive ongoing training in the communication methods used across the school. This ensures everyone is knowledgeable about the different communication systems and understands how to effectively support pupils in their learning and interactions.


Clear Communication Flightpath

Tracking progress and ensuring continuous improvement in communication skills is key:

Communication Flightpath: A structured framework will be established to track each pupil’s communication development. This flightpath will outline specific milestones and goals for pupils’ communication abilities, providing clear markers for progress and areas to focus on.

Collaboration with Speech and Language Therapists: Our team will work closely with speech and language therapists to monitor progress and implement interventions. This collaboration will ensure that pupils receive the necessary professional support, and staff will be equipped with strategies to foster development in communication across all areas of the curriculum.


Working Together for Success

At Meadowfield, we understand that a holistic, collaborative approach is essential for success:

Ongoing Collaboration: Teachers, speech and language therapists, and parents will work together to create and review each pupil's communication plan, ensuring it is up-to-date and tailored to meet their individual needs.

Parental Involvement: Parents will be kept informed of their child’s communication progress and encouraged to actively participate in their child’s learning journey. This partnership between home and school will further enhance the consistency and effectiveness of the communication strategies used.

In sum, our Total Communication approach at Meadowfield School will be a dynamic and integrated system where every child’s voice is heard and valued. Whether through signs, symbols, speech, or technology, we are committed to providing each pupil with the tools and support they need to communicate confidently and meaningfully. This approach is at the heart of our inclusive ethos, ensuring every pupil can thrive and reach their full potential.

Communication Flightpath